Answering negative questions


Ngā Tohutohu

When addressed with a negative question, ehara or engari is used to contradict the negative while kāore, kāo, kāhore or kāre kau are used to agree with the negative question.

Hei tauira:

Kāore āu kai? Don't you have any food.
Ehara! Kei te kāinga kē. On the contrary. It's at home.

Notice how ehara is used to contradict the negative question.

Kāore ā rāua tamariki? Don't they have any children?
Kāhore! Kāore ā rāua tamariki. No! They don't have any children.

Notice how kāhore and kāore are used to agree with the negative question.

For further explanations, examples and exercises: Te Kākano p. 110; Te Kākano Pukapuka Tātaki p. 66.

Whakamāoritia ngā whakautu.

Whakatikaina ngā kupu kia tika ai te rere o ngā rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
