Yes and no

Āe, Kāore

Ngā Tohutohu

Āe means ‘yes’ and Kāore or Kāo (shortened form of Kāore) means ‘no’.

Hei tauira:
a  Kei te haere koe ki tātahi?
    Are you going to the beach?

    Āe.  Kei te haere au ki tātahi.
    Yes.  I am going to the beach.

e  Ko Eruera tēnā?
    Is that Eruera?

    Kāo.  Ko Wiremu tēnei.
    No. This is Wiremu.

Pānuitia ngā korero i raro i ngā pikitia e whai ake nei. Whiriwhirihia te whakautu tika, arā, ngā kupu 'āe', 'kāore' rānei.
Read the statements written under the following pictures.  Select the correct answer that is ‘yes’ or ‘no’.


Te Whanake Dictionary
