Ngā Tohutohu
You have already learnt how to ask where something is using the question word hea?
Hei tauira:
Kei hea tō kāinga ināianei? |
Where is your home now? |
Kei te tiriti o Ōwheo. |
On Leith Street. |
Kei hea a Eruera? |
Where is Eruera? |
Kei te whare pikitia. |
At the picture theatre. |
Here is a list of words to show location:
roto |
inside |
waho |
outside |
runga |
on top |
raro |
underneath |
mua |
in front |
muri |
behind |
tātahi |
the beach |
uta |
the shore |
More words will be added to your list later but for now here are some examples using the words above.
Kei hea a Eruera? |
Where is Eruera? |
Kei roto i te whare pikitia. |
In the picture theatre. |
Kei hea te ngeru? |
Where is the cat? |
Kei runga i te tuanui o te whare. |
The cat is on the roof of the house. |
Kei hea ngā tamariki? |
Where are the children? |
Kei mua i te kura. |
In front of the school. |
Here are some more examples using the location words. Notice that the word order changes and how i is used in front of the object of the sentence and that these location words and all place names follow kei directly, unlike nouns which need a word like te to precede them when following kei.
Hei tauira:
Kei mua ngā kaumātua i ngā tamariki. |
The elders are in front of the children. |
Kei waho ngā manuhiri i te kēti e tatari ana. |
The visitors are waiting outside the gate. |
Kei muri ō hū i te kūaha. |
Your shoes are behind the door. |
He kau kei roto i te māra. |
There's a cow in the garden. |
He pirihimana kei waho i te whare. |
There's a policeman outside the house. |
For further explanations and exercises see Te Kākano pp. 15-16 and Te Pukapuka Tātaki pp. 8-9.
Te wāhanga 1
Whakautua ngā pātai ki ngā whakautu poto.
Hei tauira:
Wiremu asks Tarati: Kei hea te ngeru?
Tarati replies: Kei roto i te whare.