Ngā Tohutohu
This story is written by Teresa. She is one of your friends. You are both from the same place. You live in the same house and you are both learning Māori at the University. Read the story and then rewrite it as if you were telling it. The explanations on pages 12 and 13 of Te Kākano will help you.
Nā Terēhia ēnei kōrero i tuhi. Ko ia tētahi o ō hoa. Nō te wāhi kotahi kōrua. Kei te noho kōrua i te whare kotahi, ā, kei te ako Māori kōrua i Te Whare Wānanga. Pānuitia ngā kōrero, ka tuhi ai i ngā kōrero me koe kei roto. Kei te whārangi 12 me te whārangi 13 o Te Kākano ngā whakamārama hei āwhina i a koe.
Tēnā koe. Nō Tūranga ahau, engari kei Ōtepoti ahau e noho ana ināianei. Kei te ako au i te reo Māori i Te Whare Wānanga. Kei te haere māua ko Paora ki ngā toa ki te hoko taonga. Tokorua māua kei te haere ki ngā toa. Kei te haere māua ki te kite i tētahi hoa i te hōhipera. Kei te māuiui ia. Ko Hana tana ingoa. Nō Ngāti Kahungunu ia, engari kei Ōtepoti e noho ana ināianei. E whitu tekau mā iwa ana tau. Kei te haere māua ki tātahi ki te whakatā, ki te omaoma, ki te kaukau hoki. Hei konā rā.