Study Guide Te mahi 15

Ngā Tohutohu

This exercise is to practice the use of the words au, ahau, koe, ia, tāua, māua, kōrua, rāua, tātou, mātou, koutou and rātou. The explanations about these words are on pages 12 and 13 of Te Kākano. Using these words, fill in the gaps in this story about the previous illustration.
Hei ako i ngā kupu ‘au’, ‘ahau’, ‘ia’, ‘tāua’, ‘māua’, ‘kōrua’, ‘rāua’, ‘tātou’, ‘mātou’, ‘koutou’ me ‘rātou’ tēnei mahi. Kei ngā whārangi 12 me 13 o Te Kākano ngā whakamārama mō ēnei kupu. Tuhia tētahi o ēnei kupu hei whakakī i ngā ango o ēnei kōrero mō te whakaahua kei mua.


Te Whanake Dictionary
