Study Guide Te mahi 19

Ngā Tohutohu

Read the following story and write the names of the people referred to by the underlined words.
Pānuitia ngā kōrero e whai ake nei, ka tuhi ai i ngā ingoa o ngā tāngata e kōrerohia ana ki ngā kupu kua tohungia.


Nō Ahuriri a Hēnare rātou ko Tīpene, ko Rangi, ko Mihi, ko Piri, ko Hārata. Kei te haere rātou ki kura ki te purei whutupōro. Kei waho rātou i te kura e kōrero ana ki te kaiako o te kura. Ko Hōri Takutai tana ingoa. Ko Māia te ingoa o tana tamāhine. He hoa ia nō Hēnare .

Kei te kī a Hōri ki a Tīpene , “Tēnā koutou, tamariki mā. Kei te haere koutou ki hea?”

Kei te whakautu a Rangi, “Tēnā koe, e pā. Kei te haere mātou ki te purei whutupōro. Kei te pai tēnā?”

Āe, kei te pai.”

Kei hea a Māia, e pā?”

Kei roto i te whare. Kei te whakatā ia. Kei te ngenge ia.”


Te Whanake Dictionary
