Study Guide Te mahi 6

He whakamārama

Ngā Tohutohu

Someone from Australia has written to you. She wants the Māori names of the main New Zealand towns. You should type the Māori names in the spaces. The names are on page 4 of Te Kākano but please do not look at that page while you are writing the names.
Kua tuhi mai tētahi wahine nō Ahitereiria ki a koe. Kei te pīrangi ia ki ngā ingoa Māori o ngā tāone nunui o Aotearoa. Māu ngā ingoa Māori e tuhi hei whakakī i ngā ango. Kei te whārangi 4 o Te Kākano ngā ingoa, engari, kaua e titiro ki taua whārangi i a koe e tuhi ana i ngā ingoa.


Te Whanake Dictionary
