
Te Tatau

Ngā Tohutohu

'Counting': Te Tatau

Using these numbers, practice counting from one to ten. There are two words for ‘one’, tahi and kotahi. Normally kotahi is used for the number ‘one’ and tahi is used with other numbers.

1 - kōtahi - one

2 - rua - two

3 - toru - three

4 - whā - four

5 - rima - five

6 - ono - six

7 - whitu - seven

8 - waru - eight

9 - iwa - nine

10 - tekau - ten

When counting out things each number is preceded by ka.

Hei tauira:

ka tahi
ka rua 
ka toru

NB Ka is pronounced long if the following word has only one long vowel or two short vowels. However, it is not normally written with a macron.

For further explanations and exercises check: Te Kākano pp. 5

Whakarongo, titiro hoki ki ngā nama. Tuhia te nama.
Listen and look at the written word of the number then type in the number in numeric form.


Te Whanake Dictionary
