So that...

Kia … ai

Ngā Tohutohu

Kia combines with ai to indicate that the action or state with kia … ai is the result of the action in the main part of the sentence. Kia …. ai is the equivalent to ‘so that’.

Hei tauira:

Kia tere te oma, kia tae moata ai koutou ki te kura. Run quickly so that you (3+) will arrive early to school.
Ūkuia te papa rā kia mā ai. Rub the board so that it is clean.

These two words kia and ai have already been encountered each with other meanings but together they translate as ‘so that’ or ‘in order that’.

For further explanations and examples: Te Kākano p. 99.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

Whiriwhiria te rerenga kōrero e tika ana mō te reo Māori.


Te Whanake Dictionary
