Saying 'while'

I a ia e .... ana

Ngā Tohutohu

Look carefully at the following examples and you will see how i a ... and i te ... are used to say ‘while’. Notice how this structure uses e … ana, followed by ka ...

Here is the sentence pattern to help you:

I a/te/ngā + kaimahi + e + tūmahi + ana, + ka

Hei tauira:

I a mātou e haere ana, ka kite mātou i te hukarere. While we are travelling, we will see the  snow.
I a ia e waiata ana, ka katakata ngā tamariki. While he was singing, the children laughed.
I a Hine mā e wehe ana, ka tangi mātou. While Hine and the others were departing we cried.
I te tumuaki e kōrero ana, ka moe a Pita. While the principal was talking, Peter slept.
I ngā ākonga e mahi ana, ka inu kawhe rātou. While the students were working, they drank coffee.

Notice the similarity of this use of i te ... to its use for the past continuous tense that you have already encountered.

Hei tauira:

I te pakipaki ngā tamariki, ka mutu ngā whakataetae kaukau. While the children were applauding, the  swimming races finished.
I te kura a Maru, ka whānau mai āna punua kurī. While Maru was at school, his puppies were born.
I te whare karakia rātou, ka tangi te pere. They were at church when the bell rang.

For further explanations and examples see Te Kākano pp. 101-102.

Whakamāoritia ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
