Statives with other verbs

Kua pau i a ia te kai

Ngā Tohutohu

As already discussed, statives function in a different way from ordinary verbs, or universals. If what would normally be an ordinary verb or another stative follows a stative in the same sentence, it is treated as a noun and preceded by te.

Hei tauira:
Kua tata te paraoa te pau i a tātou.          We’ve nearly used up all the bread.

I oti i ngā tamariki te whare te peita.       The children finished painting the house.

For further explanations: Te Kākano pp. 99-100.

Tuhia ngā tūāhua me ngā tūmahi.
Identify the statives and the verbs and write them in the spaces provided. 


Te Whanake Dictionary
