Asking about the means of travel

Mā hea ... haere ai?

Ngā Tohutohu

Mā hea is used to ask a person about their means of travel. It is important to note that mā hea is to be used in conjunction with ai. The ai follows the verb.

Hei tauira:

Mā hea ngā tamariki haere ai ki te kura? How are the kids going to school?
Mā raro. They are walking.
Mā hea a Ani haere ai ki te Whare Miere? How is Ani going to the Bee Hive?
Mā runga i tana motokā. In her car.
Mā hea ngā toa eke ai ki te kauhanga riri? How will the warriors approach the battlefield?
Mā runga waka tauā. By war canoe.

Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 47; Te Kākano CDs Mahi nama 42.
Whiriwhirihia te whakautu tika.


Te Whanake Dictionary
