Ngā Tohutohu
Me is used to join sentences and translates to either mean ‘and’ or ‘with’. Unlike ā, me can be used with names and nouns but not to join verbal phrases. When using me it should always be followed by a definitive article such as te, ngā, tāku, tōna or a proper noun (eg Pita) and me is never followed by other prepositions such as mō, ka, ko, ki, kei or any of the verbal markers.
Hei tauira:
Te hōiho me te kau.
The horse and the cow.
Kei te haere a Hēni me Haki ki tātahi.
Jenny and Jack are going to the beach.
Further explanation and exercises: Te Kākano p. 45
Whakamāoritia ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.