
Ngā kara

Ngā Tohutohu

Here are some of the common Māori words for colours. Like some other languages, many of the words for colours come from things that have the particular colour in nature.

kākāriki be green, small green parrot
karaka be orange, a tree with orange berries
kikorangi, kahurangi be blue
kiwikiwi be grey
kōwhai be yellow, a  tree with yellow flowers
be white, clean
mangu, pango be black
māwhero be pink
pākākā be brown, reddish brown, ginger
pango be black
paraone be brown
parauri be dark in colour, dark brown
pūmā be grey
pūwhero be reddish
waiporoporo be purple
whero be red

Below are some examples that demonstrate the use of these words.

He māwhero ō rātou pāpāringa. Their cheeks are pink.
Homai koa tōku pōtae waiporoporo. Please pass my purple hat.
I kainga ngā āporo whero e te hōiho pākākā. The red apples were eaten by the brown horse.
He maha ngā paoro i konei - he mā ētahi, he pūwhero ētahi, he kahurangi ētahi hoki. There are lots of balls here - some are white, some are reddish and some are blue.
I tāhaetia tōna hākete kākāriki. His green jacket was stolen.
He kahurangi, he whero, he mā hoki ngā kara o te haki o Aotearoa. Blue, red and white are the colours of the New Zealand flag.

For further explanations and exercises see Te Kākano p.86 and Te Pukapuka Tātaki p.54.

Tirohia te pikitia, kātahi ka whakutu ai i te pātai ki te whakautu poto.

Pānuitia ngā kōrerorero, ā, whakakīa ngā āputa ki ngā kupu e tika ana.


Te Whanake Dictionary
