Saying who had something

I a wai ...?

Ngā Tohutohu

The word i indicates past possession, when asking and saying who had something. It does not indicate actual ownership, merely that something was with the person at the time.

Hei tauira:

I a wai tōku paraikete? Who had my blanket?
I a ia, nē? She had it, didn't she?
Kāore. I a Kararaina kē. No. Kararaina had it instead.

Note than when using this sentence structure, the personal pronoun or person’s name always follows i a ...

Further explanations, examples and exercises: Te Kākano p. 83; Te Kākano CDs Mahi 70 & 71.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Whakakīa ngā āputa.


Te Whanake Dictionary
