Saying something was happening

I te ...

Ngā Tohutohu

I te… is used for the past continuous tense to indicate that the action was happening. You have already learnt that the kei te … and e … ana structures with verbs are both used for the continuous tense, that is the action is continuing (singing, running, sleeping). While Kei te ... is only used for present or future time, e … ana can be used for present, future or past time.

Look at the following examples and translations to see the usages of i te ...

Kei te moe koutou? Are you (3+) sleeping?
I te moe koutou? Were you (3+) sleeping?
Kei te kaukau rāua ki te toka. They (2) are swimming to the rock.
I te kaukau rāua ki te toka. They (2) were swimming to the rock.
I te aha koe inapō? What were you doing last night?
I te whutupaoro ahau inapō. I was at the football last night.

For further explanations and exercises see Te Kākano p.82.

Whakawhitihia ēnei rerenga kōrero ki ngā rerenga e tīmata ana ki te 'i te'. Whakapākehātia ō whakautu. 

Hei tauira tēnei:
Kei te moe koe?
A  I te moe koe?
E Were you sleeping?


Te Whanake Dictionary
