Saying ‘to do something’ using ai

Haere atu ki waho tākaro ai

Ngā Tohutohu

Pay close attention to the following sentences.

Hei tauira:

Haere ki te kokonga noho ai. Go to the corner to sit.
I haere rāua ki te whare pukapuka pānui pukapuka ai. They both went to the library to read.
Kua hoki atu rātou ki roto mahi ai. They have gone back inside to work.

Notice that these sentences ending in ai follow information giving the location. The verb followed by ai together means to do something. Ki te may also be used but this alternative way is probably better if mastered. Here are some more examples, this time with the location highlighted.

Hei tauira:

Māu ngā tamariki e hari ki te puna kaukau kauhoe ai. You can take the kids to the swimming pool to swim.
Haere atu ki waho whakatā ai. Go outside and have some time out.

This use of ai is only used when location has been stated earlier.

Further explanations and examples see Te Kākano p. 129.

Hurihia ēnei rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
