Listing items

He āporo, he panana, he pea

Ngā Tohutohu

When listing two or more items, the article (e.g. te, he) or a possessive determiner is repeated with each subsequent noun.

Hei tauira:

He ārani, he panana, he pea ā māua kai. Oranges, bananas and pears were our food.
Ka kainga e tāua te parāoa, te tiāmu, te poaka hoki. We ate bread, jam and also pork.
Kainga tāu pihikete, tāu huarākau, āu rare hoki. Eat your biscuit, your fruit and your lollies too.

If a particle, (e.g. i, ki) precedes the article or possessive determiners, this is also repeated with each noun.

Hei tauira:

Ka kite a Mereana i te ngāwhā, i te roto, i te maunga, i te awa. Merenia saw hot pools, lakes, mountains and rivers.
Āpōpō tāua haere ai ki te tāone, ki te whare pukapuka, ki te whare pikitia. Tomorrow we will go to town, to the library and to the picture theatre.

For further examples and explanations see Te Kākano p. 64.

Whiriwhirihia te wāhanga tika kia mutu i ngā rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
