Using 'kia' and 'ka' to say when

Kia ... ka ...

Ngā Tohutohu

There are many ways of saying ‘when’ in Māori. Kia … ka is a future tense sentence structure used to say when something happens, something else will happen. Notice how kia and ka are both followed by a verb.

Hei tauira:

Kia mutu te karaehe, ka harikoa tātou. When the class finishes, we will be happy.
Kia tae ki tātahi, ka kai tātou. When we get to the beach, we will eat.
Kia waiata a Neihana, ka tangi tōna māmā. When Neihana sings, his mother will cry.
Kia oma te kurī a Moki, ka katakata a Mere. When Moki's dog runs, Mere will laugh.

For further explanations and exercises see Te Kākano p.77
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
