Ngā Tohutohu
In the Māori language when talking about possession there are two categories known as the a and the o categories. Which is used depends on the relationship between the thing or action that is possessed and the possessor.
Portable objects: These usually fall under the a category. Portable objects consist of things such as pens, cell phones, bags and many other items. For example:
Kei hea tāku pēke? |
Where is my bag? |
However, this excludes items such as chairs, clothing and beds as they fall under the o category because they relate to the body.
Immovable objects: These fall under the o category and include such things as houses and buildings. For example:
Arā tōku whare. |
There is my house. |
Transport: All objects of transport fall under the o category. Transport includes things such as cars, bicycles, trucks, vans. Transport also includes horses if they are being used for transport. For example:
I haere mai au mā runga i tōku pahikara. |
I came on my bicycle. |
For further explanations, examples and exercises: Te Kākano pp. 140-142; Te Kākano CDs Mahi 51-54; Te Kākano Pukapuka Tātaki pp. 33-34
Whiriwhirihia te kupu e tika ana hei whakakī i te āputa.
Choose the correct word to fill the gap.