Using the O category

Te ringaringa o taku tama

Ngā Tohutohu

Using the o category for things associated with the body.

In Chapters 1 and 2 of Te Kākano you practised using the a and o category with kinship terms. In Chapter 2 you were introduced to the use of o when the thing that is owned, or possessed, is part of something. Anything that is closely associated with the body will also normally take o.

Hei tauira:

Te tūru o te kaiako. The teacher's chair.
Te moenga o taku tama. My son's bed.
Te ringaringa o te tamaiti. The child's hand.

However, food, crops and animals are normally associated with the a category. The following exercises will give you practice in the various uses of a and o.

Whiriwhirihia te kupu tika mō ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.
Choose the correct word for the following sentences.           


Te Whanake Dictionary
