Using tonu to indicate continuous action


Ngā Tohutohu

One of the uses of tonu is to indicate that an action is still being carried out. It translates to mean ‘still’ when it is used in this context. Tonu is placed directly after the verb in the sentence. Look at the following examples which demonstrate its use:

E mahi tonu ana ahau. I am still working.
Kei te māuiui tonu tōku whaea. My mother is still sick.
Kei te haere tonu mai a Ana ki tō tāua kāinga. Ana is still coming to our house.
Kei te whakaoti tonu ngā ākonga i ā rātou mahi kāinga. The students are still completing their homework.

Further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 57; Te Aka

Whakamāoritia ngā rerenga kōrero.


Te Whanake Dictionary
