Expressions for past time


Ngā Tohutohu

Here are some words which indicate past time:

            inanahi yesterday
            inapō last night
            inatahirā the day before yesterday
            i tēnei wiki this week
            i te rā nei today
            i te ata nei this morning
            i te ahiahi nei this afternoon
            i tērā wiki last week
            i tērā marama last month
            i tērā tau last year
            i tērā Paraire last Friday
            i te rua karaka at two o’clock

You will notice that all of these words and phrases begin with i, which usually indicates past tense. In all cases, the i can be replaced by  without changing the meaning. Both i and  indicate past time.

For further explanations and exercises: Te Kākano p. 30

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Translate the English sentences into Māori.

Whakapākehatia i ngā rerenga kōrero nei.
Translate the following Māori sentences into English.


Te Whanake Dictionary
