The days of the week.

Ngā rā o te wiki.

Ngā Tohutohu

te Mane, te Rāhina Monday
te Tūrei, te Rātu Tuesday
te Wenerei, te Rāapa Wednesday
te Tāite, te Rāpare Thursday
te Paraire, te Rāmere Friday
te Hātarei, te Rāhoroi Saturday
te Rātapu Sunday

These words are nouns. The word te (or sometimes ngā or he) is commonly used before the names of the days of the week.

Further explanations and explanations: Te Kākano p. 30

Kei te hē te raupapa o ngā pū o ēnei kupu. Whakatikaina.
The letters of these words are in the wrong order. Please correct them.



Te Whanake Dictionary
