Ngā Tohutohu
He aha tātou ka kore noa iho ai?
Kua kite kē koe i te noho a te kupu ai i muri mai o te kupu ka i roto i Te Pihinga. Anei tētahi tauira o tēnā:
Heoi anō, ka mea atu a Hoani rāua ko Huriana me whanga ia ki a au, kia puta rā au i taku Kura Minita, ka whiwhi pāriha, ka mārena ai māua.
Well, John and Juliana said she should wait for me, until I had completed my training for the ministry and had a parish, and then she and I could wed.
Ko te tikanga o aua kupu i ngā tauira i roto i Te Pihinga ko ‘and then’ i roto i te reo Pākehā. He āhua rerekē te tikanga o aua kupu i ētahi wā. Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei me te tikanga o aua kupu.
He aha tātou ka kōrero tahi ai?
Why then don’t we talk together?
Kino katoa ngā kai o te toa rā, ka tika ai te kōrero a tōku tungāne.
All the food at that shop is terrible, which makes what my brother said correct
E ai ki taku tupuna, i noho taku kuia i taua whare, ka hoko ai ahau i tērā whare inanahi.
According to my grandparent, my grandmother also lived in that house, consequenlty I had bought the same house yesterday.
He kōrero, he whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 29 o Te Kōhure.
He kōrero nenekara ētahi o ēnei e whai ake nei. Kei te tika, kei te hē rānei ngā kōrero nei.