Ngā Tohutohu
Kua kite atu au i te mahi a te merengi e putu mai ana
Using mahi to express abundance
Anei tētahi rerekētanga i te whakamahinga o te kupu ‘mahi’, arā, i tēnei wā ka pērā tōna whakamārama ki te kupu ‘maha’. Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei.
Titiro ki te mahi a te karoro!
Check out the multitudes of seagulls!
I haere mātou ki te kite i te mahi a te inanga e rere ana i ngā awaawa.
We went to watch the abundance of whitebait swimming in the streams.
He whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 113 o Te Māhuri.
Tirohia ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei. Tekau ngā rerenga kōrero. Ko tāu mahi he kimi i ngā rerenga kōrero e hāngai ana ki te momo rerenga kōrero kua whakamāramatia kei runga ake nei.