Using kei noho . . . ka

Ngā Tohutohu

Ki te haere koe ki te ngahere, kei noho koe ka mau i te pū
Using kei noho . . . ka

E whakaatu ana tēnei momo kōrero kia kaua rawa e mahia tētahi mahi. Anei ētahi tauira e whai ake nei.

Kei noho koe ka kōrero pēnā mai anō ki a au.
You had better not talk to me like that again.

I a māua i te tāone, kei noho koutou ka paruparu i te kāinga.
While we are in town, you had better not mess up the house.

Ki te haere kōrua ki te pāka, kei noho kōrua ka piki i ngā rākau.
If you two go to the park, you two had better not climb the trees.

He whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 151 o Te Māhuri.

Kei raro iho ko ngā rerenga Māori, kei konei ko ngā rerenga Pākehā. Ko tāu mahi he tuhi i te reta o te rerenga kōrero Pākehā e tika ana mō te te rerenga Māori.

A. The kids had better not be playing on the beds.
E. That guy over there better not fart again.
I. That dog better not defecate in my yard.
O. You two had better not eat all the lollies.
U. We shouldn’t be oblivious to the many shysters of the Government.
H. You guys had better not tease that kid.
K. We better not get sick eating only peaches.
L. We’d better not be going to that stink movie.


Te Whanake Dictionary
