Ngā Tohutohu
Nā te aha i ngenge ai?
Another way to ask and say why something happened.
I roto o Te Pihinga i whakaakona e koe me pēhea te kī he aha tētahi mahi i mahia ai, arā, tirohia te tauira e whai ake nei.
Tauira 1:
He aha tō kuia i ngenge ai?
Why was your grandmother tired?
He kaha nōna ki te mahi i te marae.
Because she worked hard at the marae.
He whakatakotoranga rerekē ka taea mō tēnei kōrero, kotahi noa iho tōna rerekētanga, me tango te kupu ‘he’, ā, ka raua atu ngā kupu ‘nā te’ hei kupu whakakapi. Anei he tauira:
Tauira 2:
Nā te aha tō kuia i ngenge ai?
Why was your grandmother tired?
Nā tōna kaha ki te mahi i ngenge ai ia.
She got tired because she’s a hard worker.
Nā te aha koe i haere ai?
Why did you go?
Nā te ātaahua o te rā i haere ai.
I went because it’s such a beautiful day.
Ki te whakamahia ngā kupu ‘Nā te’ me whakauru te kōrero ‘i ... ai’. I waenganui i ēnei kupu ka noho ko te kupu mahi (arā, te tūmahi), ko te kupu āhua (arā, te tūāhua) rānei i tō rerenga kōrero.
Tauira 3:
Nā te tangi o te pēpi i oho ai ngā mātua.
The parents woke up because the baby cried.
Nā te kaha mahi o ngā tauira i oti pai ai ā rātou mahi.
Because of the students’ hard work, they finished their tasks well.
Ka taea hoki tēnei rerenga kōrero te whakamahi i ngā tūingoa me ngā kūmuri tūingoa. Hoki atu ki ngā whārangi 69-70 o Te Pihinga mehemea kua wareware i a koe he aha kē te tūingoa me te kūmuri tūingoa. Heoi anō, anei ētahi tauira.
Tauira 4:
Nā te kitenga atu o te rōpū i te hoariri i oma atu ai.
At the sight of the enemy the group ran away.
Nā te tūwheratanga o te whare karakia i harikoa ai ngā kaumātua.
The elders were overjoyed at the opening of the church.
He whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei ngā whārangi 43 o Te Māhuri.
Whakatikahia te whakatakotoranga o ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei kia rite ai ki te reo Pākehā.