Asking and saying why something didn’t happen.

Ngā Tohutohu

Nā te waimarie mātou i kore ai e aituā.
Asking and saying why something didn’t happen.

Kei roto i ngā whārangi o Te Pihinga ko ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te whakatakotoranga ‘he aha … i kore ai e …’. I tēnei wā ka whakaakona tētahi rerenga kōrero ōrite, otirā, he ōrite te whakatakoto o tēnei kōrero hou, engari ka whakamahia ngā kupu ‘nā te’. Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei.

Tauira 1:

Nā te aha koe i kore ai e oti āu mahi?
Why didn’t you complete your work?

Nā taku hiahia ki te purei kēmu.
Because I wanted to play games.

Nā te aha te pirihimana i kore ai e hopu i te nanakia?
Why didn’t the policeman catch the thief?

Nā tōna koretake ki te oma.
Because he was a bad runner.

Nā te toimaha o ngā pouaka a Hoani
Hoani didn’t get the things because the

i kore ai ia e tiki i ngā mea.
boxes were heavy.

I roto i ngā tauira nei ka taea e koe te kite, he ōrite te whakatakoto o ngā kupu ‘nā te’ ki ngā kupu ‘he aha’ i roto i te tauira nō Te Pihinga. Kia maumahara me tū te mea, te tangata rānei e mahi ana i te mahi i mua i ngā kupu ‘i kore ai e’, ā, whai muri ake o aua kupu ka tū ko te kupu mahi, te mea rānei ‘i kore ai e taea’.

Whakamāoritia, whakapākehātia rānei ngā rerenga kōrero nei.


Te Whanake Dictionary
