Using ā- to indicate the manner or means by which something is done

Ngā Tohutohu

Ahakoa kāore ia i tae ā-tinana atu, i tae ā-wairua
Using ā- to indicate the manner or means by which something is done

Ki te hiahia koe ki te kōrero i pēhea tētahi mahi i mahia ai, ka pēhea rānei tētahi mahi e mahia ai, he whakatakotoranga kōrero anō mō tēnā. Anei ētahi tauira. Mehemea e hangaia ana tētahi mea ki te ringa, he mahi ā-ringa tēnā. Ka tae tētahi tangata ki tētahi wāhi, ka kīia kua tae ā-tinana ia.

Hei tauira:

a. Ka poroaki ki ngā mate tara ā-whare, ā, ō Tūmatauenga hoki.
The people who had died from natural causes and on the battlefield were farewelled.

e. Koia nei tonu anō hoki tō mātou āhua, tō te Māori, inā tūtaki ā-huihui ki tētahi whare huihui pēnei i tēnei.
And this is our, the Māori people’s, way when we meet in gatherings at a meeting house such as this.

i. I tētahi rangi, ka kōrerohia ā-iwitia ki te aroaro o te komiti ā-hapū kei te horotia te urupā o Ngāpūwaiwaha.
One day, the tribal group – in the presence of the sub-tribal committee – discussed the fact that the burial ground at Ngāpūwaiwaha was slipping away.

For further explanations and examples see Te Māhuri p.63.

Whakatikaina ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei. Tirohia ngā rerenga kōrero i roto i te reo Pākehā hei ārahi i a koe.
Correct the jumbled up sentences below. The English sentences are provided for you to use as a guide.


Te Whanake Dictionary
