Ngā Tohutohu
Ka karanga mai te māhita kia kaua rātou e haere ki reira
Using kia kaua e ...
Kei te whārangi 67 o Te Kākano i akona e koe me pēhea te rere o te whakakāhoretanga o tētahi mahi mā ngā kupu ‘kaua e’. I tēnei wā ka tirohia me pēhea te whakapuaki i ēnei kupu mehemea kei waenganui tēnei hanga i tētahi rerenga kōrero, ko tōna whakapākehātanga ko te that ... should not ... Tirohia ngā tauira e whai ake nei.
Hei tauira:
I haere ahau ki te hoko kai kia kaua āku tamariki e matekai.
I went to buy food so that my children won’t go hungry.
Ko te whakatau a te nuinga, kia tākaro a Hēmi kia kaua te tīma e hinga.
It was decided by the majority, that James should play so that the team won’t loose.
Ko tētahi mahi a te rōpū kia rite tonu te whana o te pōro, kia kaua te hoariri e mau i te pōro.
One thing the team did was to continuously kick the ball so that the opposition won’t get the ball.
He whakamārama, he tauira atu anō kei te whārangi 64-65 o Te Māhuri.
Whakakīia ngā ango o ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei. Pāwhiritia te pātene kia rongo ai i tōna whakapuakitanga Māori. Whakamātauhia te katoa i mua i tō kimi i ngā whakautu. Kei te mutunga te pātene hei pāwhiritanga māu, kia kite hoki mehemea kua tika, kua hē rānei koe. Kei raro iho o ia rerenga kōrero ko te rerenga reo Pākehā.