A special use of riro

Ngā Tohutohu

Ka riro māku te hau tuatahi
A special use of riro

Kei te whārangi 65 o Te Kākano he whakamārama mō te whakakaha i te kaimahi i tētahi rerenga kōrero.

Hei tauira:

Māna ngā raiti e whakaweto.
She will put out the lights.

Kāore e tika ana kia whakahuatia he tūāhua (stative) i muri i te ‘e’, i te ‘i’ rānei i roto i tēnei rerenga kōrero. He tūmahi (universal/ordinary verb) kē ngā kupu e tika ana mō tēnei momo rerenga kōrero. Kua mōhio kē koe ka taea te whakawhiti te tūāhua ki te tūmahi mehemea ka tāpiritia te ‘whaka-’ i mua i te tūāhua. Kaua e tāpiritia te kūmuri hāngū (passive ending) ki te tūmahi i roto i tēnei rerenga kōrero, arā i te rerenga kōrero e whakakaha ana i te kaimahi o te rerenga kōrero.

Hei tauira:

Mā te pūtia te poaka e whakamate.
The butcher will slaughter the pig.

E kaha ana ngā kaikōrero Māori o te taha rāwhiti ki te hari i te kupu ‘hei’ mō te kupu ‘e’.

Hei tauira:

Mā te kuia ngā here o ngā hū o te tamaiti hei wetewete.
The elderly lady will untie the child’s shoelaces.

I ētahi wā ka āpititia te kupu ‘riro’ ki mua o tēnei momo rerenga kōrero.

Anei ētahi tauira:

a. I riro māku e kōrero atu ki a rātou mō te kaupapa.
It was left for me to talk to them on the issue.

e. Ka riro mā te wai e whakanoa.
It is the water’s job to remove the tapu.

i. Kei te riro mā te tiaparani te karakia e whakahaere.
It is being left to the chaplain to conduct the church service.

Whakarongo ki te rerenga kōrero, ka tahi. Ka rua, whakakīia te āputa i te rerenga kōrero i rangona e koe.
Firstly, listen to the sentence. Secondly, fill the gap by writing the sentence you heard. 


Te Whanake Dictionary
