More on statives

Ngā Tohutohu

Kua hinga te tangata matakerepō
More on statives

Presently we have been using the term ‘stative’ for a group of words that describe a condition or state.  However, there is a small group of statives that do not function in all the ways that the rest do.  Below are some of the words from that smaller group.

mahue be left behind
mākona be satisfied (of appetite)
mānu be floating
mau be caught, fixed, held fast
mutu be ended, finished
ngaro be missing, lost, out of sight, disappeared
oti be completed, finished
pau be consumed, exhausted, used up
riro be take, gone, obtained
be, wounded
whara be struck, injured, hit accidentally

These statives are only used as verbs, unless their form is changed, e.g. by adding an ending to them as was explained in chapter 5.

For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga pp. 107-108.

Whakakīa te āputa o ngā rerenga kōrero Māori ki te kupu e tika ana.
Fill in the gap in the Māori sentence with the appropriate word.


Te Whanake Dictionary
