Saying 'although'

Ngā Tohutohu

Ahakoa kāore he moni, he pai tonu te wawata
Saying ‘although’

Ahakoa is a useful word which acts as a conjunction for the equivalent of ‘although’, ‘notwithstanding’, ‘despite’, ‘even though’, ‘whatever’, and ‘no matter’.

Hei tauira:

Ahakoa te kaha o ā rātou mahi, kāore rātou i pāhi i te whakamātautau.
In spite of their hard work, they didn’t pass the exam.

Ahakoa kāore au i tae ā-tinana atu ki te tangihanga, i tae ā-wairua atu.
Although I did not make it in person to the funeral, I was there in spirit.

Ka kōrero anō a Waretau, ahakoa kua kōrero kē ia.
Waretau spoke again despite having already spoken.

For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga pp.113

Whakakotahitia ngā rerenga kōrero e rua ki te kupu 'ahakoa'.
Combine the two sentences using 'ahakoa'.


Te Whanake Dictionary
