Saying something ‘eventually’ or ‘finally’ happened

Ngā Tohutohu

Tae rawa atu ia, kua moe kē ōna mātua
Saying something ‘eventually’ or ‘finally’ happened

A verb followed by rawa and used with one of the directional words, mai, atu, ake or iho indicate that something has finally happened.  The directional words used follow the word rawa. Take a look at some of these examples.

Hoki rawa iho a Tarati rāua ko Wiremu When Tarati and Wiremu finally
ki te kāinga, kua harikoa ngā tamariki. returned home, the kids were happy.
Haere rawa atu rātou, kua whitu karaka      
te tāima.
When they eventually left, it was 7 o’clock.
Tae rawa mai ngā manuhiri, kua reri ngā kuia.  When the visitors finally arrived the elderly
women were ready.
Whana rawa ake te pōro, kua oma kē ngā tāne.  When the ball was eventually kicked, the men were already running.

For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga p.113

Whakakīa ngā āputa ki ngā kupu tika
Fill the gaps with the correct word


Te Whanake Dictionary
