Answering ‘why’ questions

Ngā Tohutohu

He hōhā nōku i kōrero pēnei ai
One way of answering ‘why’ question

There are a variety of ways to answer ‘why’ questions, one way is the use of either or used in combination with the sentence starter he.


He aha koe i kore ai e haere ki te mahi? Why didn’t you go to work?
He māngere nōku. Because I’m lazy.
He aha i pēnei rawa ai te teitei o te taiapa nei? Why is this fence so high?
He kaha nō ngā tia ki te peke taiapa. Because the deer are
so good at jumping fences.

Here is another example that uses the ō category.Notice that with theses examples the ō category are used because qualities or emotions are involved, and notice also their position within the sentence.


He aha te tamaiti i tangi ai? Why did the child cry?
He āwangawanga nōna kei mahue ia i te pahi. Because he/she was worried
about missing the bus.

He mahi whakamāori tēnei.  Tirohia ngā rerenga Pākehā e whakamahi ana i ētahi kare ā-roto. Whakamahia ēnei kupu hei ako i te reo kātahi anō ka akona e koe.

This is a translation exercise.  Look at the English sentences that are using some words for feelings/quality. Use these words to practice the grammar pattern you just learnt.

Because I’m hungry.
He matekai nōku.


Te Whanake Dictionary
