Asking why something happened

Ngā Tohutohu

He aha koe i kōrero pēnā ai?
Asking why something happened 

He aha ai? is used to simply ask why? But, if you want to include the verb in the sentence to know why a specific thing happened in the past, the ai follows the verb directly. Here are some examples to help illustrate.

Haere ki waho!

He aha ai? 

Me oma tāua . 

He aha ai? 

He aha tō māmā i haere ai?

He aha koutou i mahi pērā ai?

He aha a Te Hererīpene i kata ai?

Go outside!


We should run.


Why did your mum go?

Why did you behave like that?

Why did Te Hererīpene laugh?

Tirohia te rerenga Pākehā e whai ake nei, ā, ka kite anō koe i tētahi rerenga i roto i te reo Māori, engari kua hē te whakatakoto o ngā kupu. Ko tāu mahi, he whakatikatika kia rite ai te rerenga Māori ki te rerenga Pākehā.
Look at the English sentences that follow and you will also see sentences in Māori, but they are mixed up. Your job is to rearrange the sentences so that they are equivalent to the English sentence


Te Whanake Dictionary
