Reporting information

Ngā Tohutohu

E kī ana te pānui, me tū tātou
Reporting information

You have already learnt how to offer someone’s opinion in Te Kākano, now you will look at how to report information not ascribed to a particular person.  Look at these examples:

E kīia ana, ko Tokoroa te tāone papai mō It is said that Tokoroa is a good town for
te mahi ngahere. bush work.
E kī ana te pukapuka nei, he roa ake This book says that the Waikato River is
te awa o Waikato i te awa o Waipā.  longer than the Waipā River.
E ai ki ngā kōrero, ko te tīrairaka te By all accounts, the fantail is the cheekiest
manu whakatoi o ngā manu katoa. bird of all the birds.

For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga pp.7-8.

Tirohia ngā kōrero e whai ake nei, āta whakaarohia mēnā kei te tika, kei te hē rānei te whakapākehātanga.
Look at the following sentences, think carefully if the English translation is correct or incorrect


Te Whanake Dictionary
