Indicating care, deliberation, or thoroughness

Ngā Tohutohu

Kia āta tirohia ngā kōrero nei
Indicating care, deliberation, or thoroughness

Āta is used to show care, deliberation or thoroughness of an action. It is important to note that āta is placed before the word for the action and not after as might be expected.

Hei tauira:

Kāore rātou i āta kite atu i te poti, i te pōuri o te pō. They could not see the boat clearly because the night was so dark.
Kia āta haere! Go slowly!

Pānuitia ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei, ā, tuhia ngā kupu tika hei whakakī i ngā āputa.
Read the sentences below and figure out the missing words to fill the gap.


Te Whanake Dictionary
