Intensifying the meaning of a word

Ngā Tohutohu

He roroa rawa ōu makawe
Intensifying the meaning of a word.

Rawa is often used to mean ‘too’, ‘very’ or ‘really’.  Rawa is always placed immediately after the word it is modifying.

Hei tauira:

Iti                             small
Iti rawa too/very/really small
He iti rawa ngā hū nei. These shoes are too small.
Kua hōhā rawa ahau. I’m really bored now.

Whakapākehātia, whakamāoritia rānei ngā rerenga kōrero e whai ake nei.
Translate the following sentences.

Hei tauira:

He nui rawa
Answer:  It’s too big


Te Whanake Dictionary
