Ngā Tohutohu
Kia mahara mai koe ki a au, ina tae koe ki tāwāhi
Yet another way of saying when
Ina is sometimes used before verbs in clauses which add to the meaning of the main part of the sentence. It is only used in the future tense and translates to mean ‘when’ or ‘if and when’.
Ina pūrei netipōro koe, me wini i a koe! |
When you play netball, you had better win! |
Horoia ngā rīhi ina hoki mai i te mahi. |
Wash the dishes when you return from work. |
Haria tō kōti ina haere koe ki waho. |
Take your coat when you go outside. |
For further explanations and examples see Te Pihinga p.125
Tirohia ngā rerenga kōrero i roto i te reo Pākehā. Whakatikaina ngā rerenga kōrero Māori kia hāngai ai ki ngā rerenga kōrero Pākehā.
Look at the English sentences, translate those sentences into Māori so that they are correct.